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Code classes:

phys_pulleyconstraint is a point entity present in all Source games. It forces the sum distances of two sets of points to always be the same. Whenever one distance changes, the other distance will increase or decrease. The first distance is the one between this entity's origin and Entity 1. The second distance is between Pulley Position 2 and Entity 2.

Flags[edit | edit source]

Bug: For some reason, only the first two flags appear in Hammer.

  • 1: No Collision until break - The two constrained entities will not collide with each other while this constraint is active.
  • 2: Keep Rigid - Doesn't seem to do anything.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Pulley Position 2 (position2) <vecline>
The point that Entity 2 is suspended from.
Additional Length (addlength) <float>
Add or subtract this amount from the pulley's total length. (Default is the distance from the entity's origin to Entity 1 plus distance from Pulley Position 2 to Entity 2.)
Pulley Gear Ratio (gearratio) <float>
Multiplier for how much moving Entity 2 affects Entity 1. Can cause erratic movement once gravity is taken into account.

See Also[edit | edit source]