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Code classes:

point_devshot_camera is a point entity present in all Source games. It takes screenshots of a map every time the map is loaded. Used to create time lapses of a map's development. The game must have been loaded with -maxdevshots in the launch options/command line.

Note: In multiplayer games, the first camera is prone to taking screenshots of the welcome HUD. If this happens, make an extra camera to take a picture of that, then other ones should function fine.

Note: For Asw.png, also add +sv_cheats 1 +r_drawvgui 0 +asw_cam_marine_shift_enable 0. Also note that the camera will always face the direction it does in normal gameplay. To do: Perhaps the angle can be changed by executing a certain command from freecam.cfg?

Tip: Cameras can optionally be added through a file named [mapname].txt. They need to follow the format shown below:

		origin	"256 256 256"
		angles	"-15 50 0"
		FOV	90
		origin	"-256 -256 -256"
		angles	"90 0 0"
		FOV	90

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Camera Name (cameraname) <string>
Required. A folder inside /screenshots/[mapname]/ to save screenshots to. Must not match the name of another camera, or they might both break!
Camera FOV (FOV) <integer>
How wide the camera's view is in degrees.