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A spotlight from Csgo-small.pngcs_office showing a beam.

Code classes:

point_spotlight is a point entity present in all Source games. It's a lighting effect that either shows a beam or a halo, depending on where the viewer is.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Start On
  • 2: No Dynamic Light - Does not emit real-time lighting affecting the brightness of props and world geometry.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Ignore Solid (IgnoreSolid) <boolean> (only available in Hl2.pngHalf-Life 2: DeathmatchCss.pngDods.pngTf2.png)
If not set, the beam will automatically shorten itself upon hitting a solid surface to avoid going through it.
Spotlight Length (spotlightlength) <float>
Length of the spotlight beam and dynamic light.
Spotlight Width (spotlightwidth) <float>
Width of the spotlight beam and dynamic light.
HDR color scale (HDRColorScale) <float>
No effect.
Render Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
Color channel filter to add to this entity's texture(s). Bug: P2.pngCsgo-small.pngBroken for brush entities.
Minimum DX Level (mindxlevel) to Maximum DX Level (maxdxlevel) <choices> (only available in games before Left 4 Dead)
Very outdated settings. Their functionality seems to no longer be fully intact. Nearly all players will be at the highest setting anyway because DirectX 8 has been obsolete since 2002. This is still in the FGD for Alien Swarm, but it doesn't use it.
Minimum CPU Level (mincpulevel) to Maximum CPU Level (maxcpulevel) <choices> (available in all games since L4d.png)
A user with the "effect detail" setting not in this specific range will not see this object.
  • 0: Default
  • 1: Low
  • 2: Medium
  • 3: High
Minimum GPU Level (mingpulevel) to Maximum GPU Level (maxgpulevel) <choices> (available in all games since L4d.png)
A user with the "shader detail" setting not in this specific range will not see this object. Settings are named differently in different games.
  • 0: Default
  • 1: Very low or Low
  • 2: Low or Medium
  • 3: Medium or High
  • 4: High or Very High
Halo size scale (HaloScale) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Multiplies the size of the halo.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Turns the light on.
Turns the light off.
SetColor <color255> (available in all games since Asw.png)
Sets Render Color. No reason to use this instead of Color.
ForceUpdate  (available in all games since Asw.png)
"Force an update of the spotlight position and orientation" Clarify: What situations would require this?

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when the light turns on. Bug: Stops firing if the entity has or had a parent.
Fires when the light turns off.

See Also[edit | edit source]