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Code classes:

point_viewcontrol_survivor is a point entity present in both L4d.pngL4d2-small.pngLeft 4 Dead games. It makes a survivor player see the map from this entity's position and angles.

Note: This entity was designed to only control the view of a single player. Multiple players can see from the entity, but bugs will occur when trying to take them out of the view.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Disable when move finished - Leave checked for your own convenience. Automatically disables the entity once it has shifted the view to the player's head. If not checked, it has to be sent the Disable input manually, or else the player's camera will lag behind them and look terrible.
  • 2: Set FOV - Sets the player's field of view.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Field of view (fov) <float>
Field of view of the camera. Only used if Set FOV is checked. Default player FOV is 90.
Seconds to reach FOV target (fov_rate) <float>
Amount of time it should take for the FOV to reach Field of view if Set FOV is checked.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Enable <string>
Makes the activator see the world from this entity. In L4d2-small.png a string parameter can be used to control the view of a specific player. (I.e. !zoey)
Makes the player seeing from this entity go back to their regular camera.
Shifts the view to the viewer character's eyes.

See Also[edit | edit source]