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Code classes:

point_viewproxy is a point entity present in all games since P2.pngPortal 2. It controls the player's view while letting them look around freely. Used in the P2.png intro to separate the player view geometry from the player collision geometry while still allowing the player to move in the moving room. Does not work in Csgo-small.png.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 4: Freeze Player
  • 32: Make Player non-solid - Makes physics objects ignore force from player. Player cannot pass through objects.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Proxy Entity (proxy) <target_destination>
Where the view will actually be from. If not specified, view will be from the point_viewproxy and the player won't be able to look around (in which case, the entity is just a stripped-down version of point_viewcontrol).
Offset type (offsettype) <choices>
How the camera controls positioning.
  • 0: Snap to camera - View changes instantly and is always from the origin of Proxy Entity
  • 1: Ease to camera - View interpolates to Proxy Entity and stays at its origin
  • 2: Keep offset - View changes instantly to an offset from the player determined by the offset between the point_viewproxy and Proxy Entity
Attachment Point (proxyattachment) <string>
If specified, the view comes from this attachment point on the Parent (parentname).
Tilt Fraction (tiltfraction) <float>
How much of the camera's tilt transfers to the player's final view. 1.0 means 100% of the original tilt.
Use Fake Acceleration (usefakeacceleration) <boolean>
To do: Description.
Skew Acceleration Forward (skewaccelerationforward) <boolean>
To do: Description.
Acceleration Scalar (accelerationscalar) <float>
To do: Description.
Ease Angles To Camera (easeanglestocamera) <boolean>
Passively forces the player's view towards Proxy Entity's Pitch Yaw Roll (angles).

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Starts controlling the player view.
Stops controlling the player view.
Teleports the player to Proxy Entity and stops controlling the view.