
From Source Entities
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Code classes:

CPropVehicle is a code class inherited by all vehicle entities in Source.


  • prop_vehicle (Available in all games. Unenterable.)

ConVars/Commands[edit | edit source]

ConVar/CommandParameters or default valueParameter TypeEffect
vehicle_flushscriptReloads all vehicle scripts. This is extremely useful for fine-tuning their behavior.
r_JeepFOVNo effect!
g_debug_vehiclebaseNo effect!

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Always Think (Run physics every tick) To do: Is there any noticeable difference?

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Scale of action input / framerate (actionScale) <float>
To do: Description.
Vehicle Script File (vehiclescript) <string>
Path to a file that defines properties about this vehicle. Look in scripts/vehicles/ for examples.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Throttle <float>
To do: Description.
Steer <float>
To do: Description.
Action <float>
Sets Scale of action input / framerate.
Confirm: Makes the vehicle brake.
Confirm: Makes the vehicle stop braking.