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Code classes:

prop_vehicle_choreo_generic is a point entity present in the Hl2.pngHalf-Life 2 series and P2.pngPortal 2, but not Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. It's an entity used to control the player's view while giving them realistic motion. The motion is done through a model animation instead of a point_viewcontrol moving on path_tracks. Usually the model is invisible. Only one player can be in the vehicle at a time.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Vehicle Script File (vehiclescript) <string>
A file in scripts/vehicles/ with information about the vehicle.
Start locked (VehicleLocked) <boolean>
Prevents the player from entering or leaving the vehicle by +useing it. Also prevents ExitVehicle from working.
Ignore Player collision (ignoreplayer) <boolean>
Makes the entity not solid to players.
Use Player Eyes (useplayereyes) <boolean>
To do: Description.
Ignore Move Parent on Exit (ignoremoveparent) <boolean> (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodic)
When trying to exit the vehicle, the game checks if there's an obstruction between the vehicle and its exit point. If this is set, it will not count the vehicle's parent as an obstruction.
Can the player shoot (playercanshoot) <boolean> (only available in P2.png)
Lets the player shoot portals while in the vehicle.
Use attachment eyes (useattachmenteyes) <boolean> (only available in P2.png)
To do: Unknown. Bug: Breaks Min/Max Pitch/Yaw inputs?

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Locks the vehicle. (See Start locked.)
Unlocks the vehicle.
Makes the player enter the vehicle. If there's more than one player, the player needs to be this input's activator.
Makes the player's view snap to the vehicle immediately. (Vehicles can make the player view interpolate smoothly if set up for it.)
Makes the player leave the vehicle.
Plays the model's open animation if it has one.
Plays the model's close animation if it has one.
Viewlock <boolean>
Sets if the player can look around. If 0, they can look around within limits set in the vehicle script file. If 1, they will always look straight ahead.
SetCanShoot <boolean> (only available in P2.png)
Sets Can the player shoot.
UseAttachmentEyes <boolean> (only available in P2.png)
Sets Use attachment eyes.
SetMinPitch <float> (only available in P2.png)
Sets how far up the player can look, overriding Viewlock. Should be a negative number.
SetMaxPitch <float> (only available in P2.png)
Sets how far down the player can look, overriding Viewlock. Should be a positive number.
SetMinYaw <float> (only available in P2.png)
Sets how far to the right the player can look, overriding Viewlock. Should be a negative number.
SetMaxYaw <float> (only available in P2.png)
Sets how far to the left the player can look, overriding Viewlock. Should be a positive number.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when a player gets in the vehicle. !activator is that player.
Fires when a player leaves the vehicle. !activator is that player.
Never fires?
Never fires?