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models/buggy.mdl and models/vehicle.mdl.

Code classes:

prop_vehicle_jeep is a point entity present in the Hl2.pngHalf-Life 2 series, but not Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. It's a driveable, four-wheeled vehicle. This is used for the jeep (or buggy) in HL2 and the yellow car (usually called the jalopy) in Episode 2. To do: How to get the HL2 jeep in Ep2 with all its functionality. The simplest way would probably be to give the jalopy its own entity.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Hopper Visible (CargoVisible) <boolean> (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Sets if the weapon_striderbuster holder is visible. Does not affect functionality! Functionality can be disabled by Killing the entity striderbusters get sensed by: trigger_vehicle_cargo.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

ShowHudHint (Not in FGD)
Shows the driver the HUD hints for the turbo and handbrake. The jeep automatically sends this to itself the first few times the player enters it. Doesn't work in Episodic.
Moves the gun off the jeep. Meant to be immediately followed by FinishRemoveTauCannon.
Disables and hides the gun. Bug: Any decals that got on the gun will still be visible.
LockEntrance  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Forbids CNPC_PlayerCompanions from entering the vehicle (allowed by default).
UnlockEntrance  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Allows CNPC_PlayerCompanions to enter the vehicle.
LockExit  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Forbids CNPC_PlayerCompanions from exiting the vehicle (allowed by default).
UnlockExit  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Allows CNPC_PlayerCompanions to exit the vehicle.
EnableRadar  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Shows the radar machine.
DisableRadar  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Hides the radar machine.
EnableRadarDetectEnemies  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Allows the radar to detect striders (when not carried by dropships) and hunters.
AddBusterToCargo  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Puts a weapon_striderbuster on the back rack. Additional busters placed by this input will fall to the ground.
DisablePhysGun  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Disallows the gravity gun to punt the vehicle (allowed by default).
EnablePhysGun  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Allows the gravity gun to punt the vehicle.
CreateLinkController  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Creates two info_radial_link_controllers under the car (no effect, however).
DestroyLinkController  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Destroys the two info_radial_link_controllers under the car.
SetCargoHopperVisibility <boolean> (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Sets Hopper Visible.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

OnCompanionEnteredVehicle  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Fires when an NPC the player likes or is neutral to enters the vehicle.
OnCompanionExitedVehicle  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Fires when an NPC the player likes or is neutral to exits the vehicle.
OnHostileEnteredVehicle  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Fires when an NPC the player hates or fears enters the vehicle.
OnHostileExitedVehicle  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Fires when an NPC the player hates or fears exits the vehicle.