Source Entities:Civility and Intolerance

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This page in a nutshell: Calm down.

Do not make needlessly inflammatory statements. Do not use derogatory slurs. If you're mad about something, take some time to cool off. We as an entire community do not care about your need to blow off steam (this is a wiki, not a battleground), diligently defend yourself, or your "need" to use any particular words.

Bigotry[edit source]

In an especially tense world, it is necessary as a community to be not just tolerant, but accepting of individuals from all backgrounds, up until (and excluding) the point at which people's opinions, comments, and actions are harmful and intolerant. We can either allow people to share any opinion they want, or we can be accepting of all races, genders, etc. We have chosen the latter because it very evidently fosters better communities.

"But free speeeech!" the masses moan. (The internet is not owned by America, however since this wiki is hosted in Chicago, Illinois, USA, the U.S. law does indeed apply and is predominant, along with any international agreements.) As the amendment in question reads (shortened to the relevant words, emphasis ours): "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech". This wiki and its admins maintain no relation to the United States Congress, therefore admins retain the right to shut you up, and it's gonna be a fucking gym class.

"But this word isn't a slur anymore!" Slurs are always slurs. Slurs are always harmful and derogatory. Find another word, end of discussion. You certainly do not know better than the people of that group you are insulting.

No parts of this section are open for debate. Breaking will be met with a strong warning, if the admins feel merciful.

For clarity's sake, below are the disallowed words. Some have multiple meanings that are not derogatory (first entry, for example). The simple discussion of a slur is allowed but please avoid using the word as possible. (Really, why are you discussing that here?) List is not necessarily complete.

Disputes[edit source]

Arguments happen. Avoid letting them slip into endless circles. Don't resort to petty insults. If a dispute cannot be resolved, ask an admin to step in.