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)(2kvismissing) : "{{{1}}}" : : "Uncertain."

Template for parsing a keyvalue that Hammer can read. You should be able to copy from Template:KIO transclusions with minimal editing. See Template:FGD-entry.

1 <string>
Name of the keyvalue as it is when SmartEdit is on.
2 <string>
The type of variable. If nothing is put here, the text "2kvismissing" will appear. If this is set to choices, every number parameter beyond 3 will be used to populate the list of choices, up to 35. Note: boolean did not become a real type until Asw.png added it! Games released before then must use booleano (short for "boolean old").
3 <string>
Keyvalue description. If nothing is put here, the text "Uncertain." will appear. Remember that medium-to-large strings will get broken by Hammer's actual FGD parser, so add "+" if needed.
c <string>
Name of the keyvalue as it is when SmartEdit is off. If nothing is put here, a ) will appear and make Hammer throw an error <3.
def <string>
Default value for this keyvalue, if any.
report <boolean>
Adds report, a keyword known to exist in Asw.pngP2.pngCsgo-small.png that enables special behavior in the entity report window. Remember to preserve these, and add new ones if possible. To do: Find all games that recognize this keyword.
readonly <boolean>
Adds readonly, a keyword which disallows the mapper from editing a keyvalue. Should be used sparingly.