Template:KV SystemLevel

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Minimum CPU Level (mincpulevel) to Maximum CPU Level (maxcpulevel) <choices> (available in all games since L4d.png)
A user with the "effect detail" setting not in this specific range will not see this object.
  • 0: Default
  • 1: Low
  • 2: Medium
  • 3: High
Minimum GPU Level (mingpulevel) to Maximum GPU Level (maxgpulevel) <choices> (available in all games since L4d.png)
A user with the "shader detail" setting not in this specific range will not see this object. Settings are named differently in different games.
  • 0: Default
  • 1: Very low or Low
  • 2: Low or Medium
  • 3: Medium or High
  • 4: High or Very High