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Code classes:

trigger_portal_cleanser is a brush entity present in both P1.pngP2.pngPortal games. It makes up the functional portion of a fizzler. Sometimes, this entity is also put over large areas of a map to erase portals arbitrarily. Entities must inherit CBaseAnimating to be fizzled.

Bug: P1.pngThe player's T-posed corpse is visibly dissolved when dying inside this entity.

Bug: Portal shot blocking is based on the entity's bounding box, causing diagonal or concave cleansers to block portal shots in cases where they seemingly shouldn't. Portal and object fizzling works as expected.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Visible (Visible) <boolean> (only available in P2.png)
Sets if the fizzler is visible and audible.
Use Scanline (UseScanline) <boolean> (only available in P2.png)
Sets if the fizzler uses a scanline. (Small line that periodically goes down the fizzler.) Only works correctly on vertical, axis-aligned fizzlers.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

FizzleTouchingPortals  (only available in P2.png)
Makes portals inside the entity's volume fizzle.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when an entity is dissolved.
Fires when any number of portals were erased at once. The portal(s) must have a pair ID matching the ID of a weapon_portalgun held by a player who passed into the trigger in order to be erased. Also stops portal shots currently traveling in the air.
Fires when an entity named box is fizzled.

See Also[edit | edit source]