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Code classes:


trigger_vphysics_motion is a brush entity present in all Source games. It can manipulate objects inside it in a number of ways. Sometimes used in Half-Life 2 for forcefield-like effects.

Bug: Hl2.pngPlayers will lose their ability to jump when touching this trigger.

Bug: Csgo-small.pngPlayers are not affected at all.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Scale of gravity (SetGravityScale) <float>
Multiplies the gravity experienced by objects in the field. (Scale gravity of objects in the field.)
Additional air density for drag (SetAdditionalAirDensity) <float>
Air drag. Applies to both linear and angular velocity.
Max velocity (SetVelocityLimit) <float>
Maximum velocity of objects in the field. Leave at 0 to not set a maximum.
Deceleration to limit (SetVelocityLimitDelta) <float>
How quickly objects will lose speed when moving above Max velocity. Leave at 0 to make them instantly change to the maximum velocity. (Max amount to reduce velocity per second when it exceeds the velocity limit)
Velocity scale/drag (SetVelocityScale) <float>
Multiplies the velocity of objects. Note: Instead of using decimals, the velocity has to be scaled down with negative numbers.
Max angular velocity (SetAngVelocityLimit) <float>
How fast objects should be able to spin, in degrees per second. Leave at 0 to not set a maximum.
Angular Velocity scale/drag (SetAngVelocityScale) <float>
Multiplies the angular velocity of objects. Note: Instead of using decimals, the velocity has to be scaled down with negative numbers.
Linear force (SetLinearForce) <float>
If non-zero, objects will be pushed with this much force.
Direction of linear force (Pitch Yaw Roll) (SetLinearForceAngles) <angle>
Which way to push things.
Particle Trail Material (ParticleTrailMaterial) <sprite>
A texture to use for sprites which will appear around objects in the trigger.
Particle Trail Lifetime (ParticleTrailLifetime) <float>
How long a single sprite will last.
Particle Trail Starting Sprite Size (ParticleTrailStartSize) <float>
How big sprites are when first created.
Particle Trail Ending Sprite Size (ParticleTrailEndSize) <float>
The size sprites will shrink/grow to over their lifetime.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

SetGravityScale <float>
Sets Scale of gravity.
SetAdditionalAirDensity <float>
Sets Additional air density for drag.
SetVelocityLimit <float>
Sets Max velocity.
SetVelocityLimitTime <string>
Takes two numbers: the first sets Max velocity, and the second is how many seconds it should take to transition to the new value.
SetVelocityLimitDelta <float>
Sets Deceleration to limit.
SetVelocityScale <float>
Sets Velocity scale/drag.
SetAngVelocityLimit <float>
Sets Max angular velocity.
SetAngVelocityScale <float>
Sets Angular Velocity scale/drag.
SetLinearForce <float>
Sets Linear force.
SetLinearForceAngles (Not in FGD) <angle>
Sets Direction of linear force. Bug: If any physics objects are asleep inside the trigger when this input is sent, those objects will not wake.