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Code classes:

vgui_world_text_panel is a point entity present in Csgo-small.pngCounter-Strike: Global Offensive. It shows text in the world.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Enabled by default? (enabled) <boolean>
Display Text (displaytext) <string>
Text to show.
Display Text Option (displaytextoption) <string>
If using a localized string that has a %s1 token, the text to show in place of that.
Font (font) <string>
Name of a font to show. Must match an entry in the fonts section of csgo/pak01_dir.vpk/resource/sourcescheme.res.
Panel width (width) <integer>
How wide the text is. The size of the text also depends on the tall variable in sourcescheme.res.
Panel height (height) <integer>
How tall the text is.
Text Panel Width (textpanelwidth) <integer>
How much space the text has before it wraps around.
Text Color (textcolor) <color255>
Color of the text.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

SetDisplayText <string>
Sets Display Text.
SetDisplayTextOption (Not in FGD) <string>
Sets Display Text Option. Bug: If Display Text Option does not have a default value, this input can cause incorrect characters to appear.
Makes the entity active.
Makes the entity inactive.

See Also[edit | edit source]