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Code classes:

weapon_item_spawn is a point entity present in L4d2-small.pngLeft 4 Dead 2. It replaces itself with another item entity immediately. It randomly chooses what entity to make based off the list of items in its keyvalues. It does not spawn weapon upgrades. The spawn rates of items made by this entity are not influenced by info_map_parameters.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Enable Physics on spawned item - Physics seem to always be enabled on the items that can use physics, even when this is unchecked.
  • 2: Spawned Item Must Exist - Items will always exist, even when this is unchecked.
  • 8: Infinite items

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Ammo pile (item1) <boolean>
Allows a weapon_ammo_spawn to spawn here.
First aid kit (item2) <boolean>
Allows a weapon_first_aid_kit_spawn to spawn here.
Molotov Cocktail (item3) <boolean>
Allows a weapon_molotov_spawn to spawn here.
Pain Pills (item4) <boolean>
Allows a weapon_pain_pills_spawn or weapon_first_aid_kit_spawn to spawn here.
Pipe Bomb (item5) <boolean>
Allows a weapon_pipe_bomb_spawn to spawn here.
Oxygen Tank (item6) <boolean>
Allows a prop_physics with the model models/props_equipment/oxygentank01.mdl to spawn here.
Propane Tank (item7) <boolean>
Allows a prop_physics with the model models/props_junk/propanecanister001a.mdl to spawn here.
Gasoline Can (item8) <boolean>
Allows a prop_physics with the model models/props_junk/gascan001a.mdl to spawn here.
Adrenaline (item11) <boolean>
Allows a weapon_adrenaline_spawn to spawn here.
Defibrillator (item12) <boolean>
Allows a weapon_defibrillator_spawn to spawn here.
Boomer Bile (item13) <boolean>
Allows a weapon_vomitjar_spawn to spawn here.
Chainsaw (item16) <boolean>
Allows a weapon_chainsaw_spawn to spawn here.
Grenade Launcher (item17) <boolean>
Allows a weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn to spawn here.
M60 Machinegun (item18) <boolean>
Allows a weapon_rifle_m60_spawn to spawn here.
Melee Weapon (melee_weapon) <string>
If not empty, allows a weapon_melee_spawn to spawn here. The text entered should be a list of melee weapons that may spawn. Each weapon name should be separated with commas. If Any is specified, any melee weapon may spawn here. (Example: crowbar,fireaxe,machete)
Item Skin (weaponskin) <integer>
Some items have multiple versions of their textures, called skins. Set this to a number other than -1 to make the given item use that skin instead of the default.
Glow Range (glowrange) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Set a custom glow range for this spawner. 0 means use the default range. To do: What is the default?