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Code classes:

prop_monster_box is a point entity present in P2.pngPortal 2. It's the Franken-turret, Wheatley's most terrible crime against humanity.

Bug: Turret boxes can be covered in gel, but do not bounce or slip at all. A turret box covered in repulsion gel can be bounced off of.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Start As Box (StartAsBox) <boolean>
Box won't try to run.
Box Switch Speed (BoxSwitchSpeed) <float>
How quickly the turret tries to extend its legs out when the BecomeMonster input is sent. If set too low, the cube will bounce around weirdly.
Allow SilentDissolve input (AllowSilentDissolve) <boolean>
Allows the SilentDissolve input to work. No reason to not allow this.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Makes the beast accept his fate.
Gives the beast the will to survive and flee to a better life.
Short circuits the cube. Cube will not be affected by BecomeBox or BecomeMonster.
Puts the beast out of his misery.
Removes the cube instantly with no effects and fires the OnFizzled output.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when the box gets fizzled.

See Also[edit | edit source]