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info_overlay is an internal point entity present in all Source games. It adds a texture such as a sign or stain onto a brush. Place them with Hammer's Hammer overlay tool.pngoverlay tool ( Shift+O). The overlay tool can also distort overlays by dragging the 4 white squares.

Overlays may look wrong over faces of multiple angles or where they may be viewed up close at an extreme angle. This is because overlays are not actually applied to the texture, rather they sit about .25 units above it. Normally this gap is not noticeable, but there's no good workaround for this.

Overlays will work on any world geometry, including displacements and func_detail brushes. A map may have up to 512 overlays, or 1024 for Csgo-small.pngCS:GO. If an overlay is set on a spot which has several (over 64) faces nearby, the overlay will count these even if the faces aren't set to the overlay. This will then cause VBSP to crash and report: "Abnormal Exit in VBSP ParseLog caught! Catch: in vbsp_finish!". infodecal should be used here.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Name (targetname) <target_source>
Name of the overlay. Named overlays will create an entity called info_overlay_accessor that's linked to the overlay and exists in the engine. This allows for env_texturetoggle to target an overlay. It appears that naming an overlay does not enable it to be parented or killed, etc.
Material (material) <material>
The material to overlay. It can be of any type.
Brush faces (sides) <sidelist>
Brush faces the overlay will appear on. The overlay tool will automatically fill this in when the overlay is created, but if the geometry near the overlay changes, this will have to be updated manually.
Render Order (RenderOrder) <integer>
A value from 0 to 3. Higher value overlays will render on top of lower ones. Overlapping overlays with the same value will Z-fight.
U Start (StartU) to U End (EndU) <float>
Texture coordinates for the image X-axis. This normally starts at zero (left) and goes to 1 (right). Adjust values to change position and scaling.
V Start (StartV) to V End (EndV) <float>
Texture coordinates for the image Y-axis. This normally starts at zero (top) and goes to 1 (bottom). Adjust values to change position and scaling.
Overlay Basis Origin (Read-Only) (BasisOrigin) <vector>
Center of the texture.
Overlay Basis U (Read-Only) (BasisU) <vector>
Direction of the material's X-axis.
Overlay Basis V (Read-Only) (BasisV) <vector>
Direction of the material's Y-axis.
Overlay Basis Normal (Read-Only) (BasisNormal) <vector>
Direction perpendicular to the surface.
Overlay Point 1 (Read-Only) (uv0) to Overlay Point 4 (Read-Only) (uv3) <vector>
The positions of the overlay's four corners. Adjust these using the Hammer overlay tool.pngoverlay tool.
Start Fade Distance (fademindist) <float>
Distance at which the entity starts fading. If less than 0, the entity will disappear instantly when the End Fade Distance is hit. The value will scale appropriately if the entity is in a 3D Skybox.
End Fade Distance (fademaxdist) <float>
Distance at which the entity ends fading. If less than 0, the entity won't disappear at all. The value will scale appropriately if the entity is in a 3D Skybox.

See Also[edit | edit source]