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CPointCombineBallLauncher is a code class in Hl2.pngP2.png.


Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 2: Balls should collide against player

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Pitch Yaw Roll (angles) <angle>
Direction balls will shoot.
Noise to launch direction (launchconenoise) <float>
How far away from Pitch Yaw Roll a ball can be shot. 180 means balls can go in any direction.
Name of bullseye (bullseyename) <target_source>
If Attach Bullseye is checked, a name to give to bullseyes.
Max number of bounces (maxballbounces) <integer>
Maximum number of times a ball should bounce on brushes and static props before exploding. Collisions with other model entities, including other balls, do not count.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Launches a single ball even if disabled. Bug: The launcher will always launch and respawn an extra ball for each time this input is sent.

See Also[edit | edit source]